Today we had some very important (and long awaited) appointments. Here are phrases a parent hopes to never hear from her child's doctors:

spastic cerebral palsy
....we'll have to wait and see
grossly deformed brain
....we'll have to wait and see
significant brain damage
....we'll have to wait and see
encephalomalacia....we'll have to wait and see
significant visual impairment
....we'll have to wait and see
will never walk
....we'll have to wait and see
may never talk
....we'll have to wait and see
severe global delays
...we'll have to wait and see
low cognitive ability
and guessed it....we'll have to wait and see
...and that's not even all of them.
At some point, one just shuts down and realizes they are only words. Our neurologist asked me if I was "one of those parents" who wanted her to paint a fluffy, optimistic picture. I told her I was the polar opposite of fluffy - I wanted it straight and scientific. That's what she gave me, and I appreciate that. What I know is that the only solid truths we have right now are that:
1. her hydrocephalus is currently stable
2. there is permanent damage - we already knew that
3. we'll have to wait and see - we already knew that, too
To quote one of my favorite geniuses:
"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" — Dr. SeussSo, we move on to the next phase of this journey - fighting like hell. There is nothing we will not do for our kids. We will go to whatever lengths necessary to ensure M has every resource available to her.